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Kutsko Consulting Blog

Are you a motivated leader?

Motivation is a passion to work for reasons that go beyond one’s external Driving Forces and are based on an internal drive or propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. It’s been a while now, but you may recall from our series of emails on the 12 Driving Forces that they...

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Are you a self-regulated leader?

Self-Regulation is the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods and the propensity to suspend judgment and think before acting. We have emotions about things as they happen, and our emotions may affect the decisions we make. Self-Regulation is a skill we use to manage our...

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Are you a self-aware leader?

Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others. For a long time, emotions have been misunderstood and, in many cases, seen as something we need to control, ignore or work around in order to be most effective,...

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Are you an emotionally intelligent leader?

Now that we’ve reviewed DISC, the science of observable human behavior, and Driving Forces, the “why” that propels us into action, we’re going to explore Emotional Intelligence, which is also often referred to as EQ or “Emotional Quotient.”


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What about DISC?

We've just reviewed all 12 Driving Forces and now have a much better understanding of why your team members do the things they do, as well as your own leadership style! But what about DISC? Most people think that at Kutsko Consulting, we specialize in DISC, which we do, but there is more to...

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Are you an objective or HARMONIOUS leader?

Have you ever noticed some people seek function in their surroundings while others seek to fully experience their surroundings?

What is the HARMONIOUS Driving Force?

People with Harmonious as their primary Driving Force are driven by the the experience, subjective viewpoints and balance in their...

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How can I better understand the people I lead?

Have you ever felt like your team could be healthier? I've led a number of small, medium and large teams of extremely talented and passionate people and I have often felt like things were okay, but that they could be great. I would often wonder, "why aren't things great?" We know this is a topic...

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Why is it important to understand my style as a leader?

As it relates to growing a healthy team, one question we've been hearing a lot lately at Kutsko Consulting has been...

Why is it important to understand my style as a leader?

As a leader, you have a big job and people depend on you. Leadership is a skill that you can develop and, like any skill,...

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